Back Pain Relief with Advanced Chiropractic in Altoona, PA

We Help Our Patients Find the Relief They Need

When people experience back pain, it affects every single aspect of their lives. Simply, it hurts. It really hurts. But chiropractic care from experienced, knowledgeable chiropractors can give them much-needed relief. When you experience back pain in Blair County, PA, or Cambria County, PA, you can trust our chiropractors at Advanced Chiropractic in Altoona, PA, to help you get back to “good.”

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Call us at (814) 941-5353 or schedule online. Please wait for confirmation of your appointment from our staff. Visit our “Schedule an Appointment” page to download our patient questionnaires. Consultations for new patients are always free.

Why Suffer From Back Pain Any Longer?

Back pain is an awful thing to live with. It is debilitating. It keeps you from enjoying time with your family and your friends. It makes your job difficult. It hinders your day-to-day life, and even simple tasks become impossible. We can help at Advanced Chiropractic. Our chiropractors know and use the best methods to care for our patients and provide relief from back pain and disc problems. We have helped many patients throughout Blair County, PA, and Cambria County, PA, deal with their back pain. We stand ready to help you, too. Trust Dr. T.J., Dr. Laura, and the entire staff at Advanced Chiropractic.

Back Pain Relief and Improved Quality of Life with Chiropractic Care

Our chiropractors’ top priority every day is offering the area’s best chiropractic care. This gives patients relief from suffering and improves their well-being and quality of life. Your care is our goal. Call Advanced Chiropractic today to schedule your appointment to deal with any number of issues, including:

Arm and Shoulder Pain



Auto Accident Treatment

Back Pain Treatment

Blurred Vision


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



Hip and Leg Pain

Nervousness and Fatigue

Painful Joints

Pregnancy and Pediatric Care


Sciatica Relief


Sports Chiropractic


Work Injuries and Workers’ Compensation

… and more. Discover the difference at Advanced Chiropractic, and find the relief you need.

We Offer Effective Massage Therapy, Too

At Advanced Chiropractic, we also offer effective massage therapy to help our patients deal with muscle and joint pain, soreness, stiffness, and more. Our highly skilled massage therapists provide care in private rooms. Many throughout Blair County, PA, and Cambria County, PA, have benefited from massage therapy. Let us care for you. Find a pain-free life at Advanced Chiropractic.